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Carlos Odio, Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of Research, Equis Research

“This research pinpoints the way to connect to a group of voters who often feel left behind by both parties. Latino voters, like all voters, want to support leaders who share their values around work. Any group or campaign that wants to demonstrate that they understand the needs of Latino voters would do well to […]

“This research pinpoints the way to connect to a group of voters who often feel left behind by both parties. Latino voters, like all voters, want to support leaders who share their values around work. Any group or campaign that wants to demonstrate that they understand the needs of Latino voters would do well to heed this research’s recommendations.”

Phasellus urna purus, rutrum et semper id, viverra quis purus. Nunc vitae tempor lectus. Maecenas et urna tellus. Pellentesque ex eros, hendrerit at mattis et, elementum in urna. Maecenas commodo rutrum ullamcorper. Quisque ultrices dictum nisl, sed molestie erat mattis vel. Sed malesuada molestie laoreet. Ut ornare pharetra urna, non aliquam lectus dictum nec. Ut convallis in ligula in ultrices. Morbi commodo ante quis neque dapibus vulputate. Nam aliquet euismod leo, non pharetra nulla commodo in. Curabitur ipsum neque, pellentesque in orci sed, consectetur dignissim eros. Duis libero ex, posuere non mattis eget, suscipit at tellus. Aliquam consequat lectus nec justo dignissim, vel ultrices lacus condimentum. 

Maecenas eu rhoncus lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Ut nec purus a est semper volutpat. Ut venenatis diam turpis, eget pellentesque tortor tristique mollis. Aliquam congue in diam vitae dapibus. Proin nunc massa, pretium ut lacus vitae, eleifend rutrum tellus. Aenean gravida mauris at dictum tempus. Nunc ultrices augue ante, ut molestie mi feugiat ac. Donec malesuada ex eu eros consectetur scelerisque. Suspendisse potenti. 

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