Democrats are working to grow our economy by raising Americans’ incomes and lowering costs so working people have the tools and opportunities to build a good life.

About Winning Jobs Narrative

A Working People-Centered Narrative for Talking About Jobs, Work, and the Economy

For years, right-wing politicians have hammered away on an economic message of smaller government and lower taxes, while progressives struggled to find clear and consistent language to effectively communicate about jobs and the economy.

The Winning Jobs Narrative addresses this challenge by creating a narrative architecture based on rigorous research for talking about jobs, work, and the economy in ways that strengthen our connections with working people across race, geography, and issues.

Narrative is developed over time through consistent messaging and storytelling. Our work is ongoing, and we’re looking for collaborators. We’re partnering with non-profit advocacy and education colleagues across the progressive movement to identify ways we can apply the narrative architecture in messaging across issues at both the state and national level.

Narrative Architecture

Narrative is created through storytelling and messaging repeated over time. The five narrative elements below can be combined and layered to help build effective conversations with a broad range of audiences.

Centering working people means (1) naming them expressly and (2) making them the subject and focus of messaging that acknowledges their contributions and prioritizes their concerns and aspirations.


“Hardworking Americans are bringing us back from the pandemic—and Democrats are getting things done for them by creating good-paying jobs and lowering costs.”

Two key ways to do this: (1) Acknowledge and appreciate hard work and hardworking people, and focus on what working people should be able to expect in return: acknowledgement, appreciation, liveable wages, good benefits, support, opportunity, and respect; and (2) frame policies as being about supporting and enabling work and contribution.


“We need to build an economy that respects working people—with quality jobs and education, affordable healthcare and childcare—so people can work, take care of their families, and contribute to their communities.”

We can elevate Middle-Out Economics (and inoculate against conservative “trickle-down” claims) via (1) simple, factual statements that working people are the engines of the economy, and (2) messaging that shows and illustrates the many ways working people drive our economy.


“Working people are the engines of the economy. When workers get a raise and have more money, they’re able to spend that money in their communities, which helps local economies thrive.”

Progressive policies are about empowering people and removing barriers that hold them back. Messaging that keeps government in a supporting role, rather than a leading one, affirms and centers the agency of working people.


“We have to do more to make sure working families, small businesses, and family farmers have the opportunities and tools they need to build a good life.”

Stating that a policy makes good economic sense, and explaining how it it benefits everyone, boosts support.


“Restoring the Child Tax Credit would give most American families $300 per child each month, which makes sound economic sense. This $300 per month will allow people to afford things like childcare so they can work, take care of their family, and do their part to keep growing our economy—which is good for everyone.”

Resource Library

Core Documents


2023 Archive

2022 Archive

Messaging Guidance

Our Team

We have engaged hundreds of researchers, advocates, progressive leaders, and funders throughout this project. Too many to list here. But we’d like to call attention to a few firms and individuals who have been core to this project along the way:

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